On the Cusp!

10 Website Fails Your Business Is Making

August 28th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

A website for your business is no longer a luxury -- it’s a necessity. But, just because you invested in a website doesn’t mean that it’s effective in connecting with your customers and ultimately improving your sales. Here are some takeaways:   It’s not mobile friendly: As the mobile revolution continues to grow around the world, this trend toward “on the go digital,” will continue. In other words, internet consumption is moving away desktops and in to the portable devices territory. This means that your business’s website has to be optimized for mobile users. Contains too much jargon: Unless you’re talking to directly [...]

Mastering Paid Ads: Writing Strategies That Drive Conversions

August 11th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

Running pay-per-click (PPC) or other paid ad campaigns can be a tricky business. Many amateur digital marketers, however, make it sound so simple: Choose your target keywords, write text ads, decide on bids, input credit card information, click “go” and wait for your business phone to ring. Unfortunately, this rarely works — and you’ll probably lose hundreds of dollars on this zero-strategy campaign. After all, as Sun Tzu teaches us about battle, “tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Here are some takeaways:   Get The Most Out Of The Headlines: The character count for paid ads was previously 25 for the [...]

The 4 Ps of SEO & digital marketing

August 10th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

There is more to marketing than just getting highly ranked on search engines, and it took me a while to figure this out. There is value companies can get of more traditional marketing processes related to SEO. Here are some takeaways:   Product/service: Who are your customers? What are their goals? What jobs do they have to perform that you could do better? What are their pains? Ultimately, how does your product help your customer? Understanding your customer and how your product relates to their needs is fundamental to your pricing and promotion of your product (or service). Price: Pricing is [...]

Marketing Your Small Business On A Shoestring Budget

August 9th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

For small businesses with relatively modest marketing budgets, it can sometimes feel as though most paid media channels are totally out of reach. Big media buys require major investment, which can limit the options available to small businesses. But that doesn’t mean there’s no room for small business in paid media -- in fact, digital models, which allow for much more granular targeting and smaller buys than traditional media, have done a lot to open up opportunities for those companies. Here are some takeaways:   Pay-Per-Click: With pay-per-click advertising (also referred to as paid search and search engine marketing), your [...]

How SEO & Content Deliver Value at Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

August 2nd, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

Search marketing — and the entire digital landscape — has evolved tremendously over the past 20 years. As a result, the core strategy of modern marketing teams has shifted away from old, intrusive tactics and towards value-based marketing. Marketers have come to realize that pushing their sales messaging on customers isn’t as effective as attracting them through meaningful and helpful interactions. The most successful teams are refocusing their efforts on delivering value to their customers at each stage of the buyer’s journey. Here are some takeaways:   Top of the Funnel: Awareness: At the top of the funnel, you’re trying to generate [...]

Localized Digital Marketing: How Brands Like Airbnb And WeWork Are Leading The Way

July 26th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

Local businesses are some of the slowest to adapt to digital technologies and digital marketing strategies. That’s because small local business owners have to wear many hats, and with so many responsibilities, staying on top of the most up-to-date marketing trends isn’t always a top priority. It takes time to adapt to new technologies and small businesses usually don’t have in-house digital expertise necessary to make it happen. Here are some takeaways:   Local Content Marketing: Small local businesses have a great opportunity to create content that is specific to their city or region. Local law firms are experts in [...]

Is Your Organic Traffic Falling? Here’s What to Do

July 20th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

In a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, the ideal result is a steady, ongoing and reliable increase in organic traffic -- meaning the measure of the number of people visiting your website after finding it in organic searches. At some points, you might reach a plateau where your organic traffic levels off and refuses to increase further; this is generally temporary and acceptable, a natural effect of the long-term landscape of an SEO campaign, which has hundreds of factors at play. Here are some takeaways:   Check for a manual penalty: First, you’ll want to check for a manual penalty. It’s rare and [...]

3 Ways SEO & Content Work Better Together

July 20th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

The relationship between SEO and content marketing can always feel a bit complicated – specifically in how the two fit together. Do they get along? Are they at odds with each other? If so, is it possible to ever make them work together? If you’re trying to grow your qualified search traffic, you can’t do it with only one; you have to combine your SEO efforts with engaging content. But what’s the most effective way to do this? Here are some takeaways:   Keywords Can Help You Generate Content Ideas: There is no such thing as SEO without keywords, and the [...]

Don’t Forget These Things When Creating A Digital Marketing Plan For Your Startup

July 18th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

Launching a startup is an exciting time in your life. Your days are full of action, and you love every last minute of it. As you turn your attention to digital marketing, your excitement could soon turn into disappointment. Here’s why: You may struggle to implement a strategy that allows you to ramp up quickly, reach peak performance and generate positive results. Here are some takeaways about your digital marketing plan:   Know your industry: Digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s imperative that you know the inner workings of your industry, and how these details fit into your digital [...]

5 Email Marketing Tweaks to Double Your Business Revenue

July 11th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|

Email is the most powerful marketing channel of the 21st century. In fact, email is so powerful that the Direct Marketing Association says that you can get a return on investment (ROI) of $38 for every $1 you invest in email marketing. Similarly, research shows that email is responsible for driving 25.1 percent of all Black Friday sales in 2015, compared to just 1.6 percent of sales from social media. If you want to get results from email marketing, though, you need to change your approach. Here are some takeaways about how to get results with email marketing:   Create and execute [...]