Don’t Forget These Things When Creating A Digital Marketing Plan For Your Startup

Don’t Forget These Things When Creating A Digital Marketing Plan For Your Startup

Launching a startup is an exciting time in your life. Your days are full of action, and you love every last minute of it.

As you turn your attention to digital marketing, your excitement could soon turn into disappointment. Here’s why: You may struggle to implement a strategy that allows you to ramp up quickly, reach peak performance and generate positive results.


  1. Know your industry: Digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s imperative that you know the inner workings of your industry, and how these details fit into your digital marketing strategy.
  2. Do one thing well before moving on: Spreading yourself too thin is a mistake you don’t want to make. The best approach is to do one thing well before moving on. This doesn’t mean you should be putting all your eggs in one basket, but you should strive to be the best at one thing as opposed to average at everything.
  3. Map it out: It’s one thing to have a digital marketing strategy in your mind, but another thing entirely to put pen to paper. When you map everything out from the start, it’s much easier to stay on track as the days go by.
  4. Get help before you need it: Creating a successful digital marketing strategy means getting the help you need before you actually need it. So, if you know you’ll need a content writer or social media strategist down the line, start your search today.





While you may feel more alone than ever before, you’re not the only entrepreneur with this problem. Let’s check out a few statistics reported by HubSpot that back this up:

  • Only roughly 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.
  • Only 42% of marketers say they are able to measure their social activities.
  • 15% of marketers surveyed say their company still does not regularly review email opens and clicks.
 You get the point. Other entrepreneurs are struggling to create and implement digital marketing plans for their startups.

As challenging as this appears – especially with so many other tasks on your plate – you don’t have to let this roadblock slow you down. Here are four steps to create a digital marketing strategy that will bring you closer to your goals.

1. Know your industry.

Digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Think about it like this: A company with a focus on e-commerce technology will not take the same approach as one in the sports industry. If you simply try to follow the leader, you will find yourself wasting a lot of time, money and other resources.

It’s imperative that you know the inner workings of your industry, and how these details fit into your digital marketing strategy.

2. Do one thing well before moving on.

Spreading yourself too thin is a mistake you don’t want to make. The best approach is to do one thing well before moving on.

For example, you could focus all your early attention on creating the highest quality blog content in your space. Make it your business to share more valuable content than all of your competitors combined.

Once you do this, you can turn your attention to another angle, such as social media or email.

This doesn’t mean you should be putting all your eggs in one basket, but you should strive to be the best at one thing as opposed to average at everything.

3. Map it out.

No matter what you do, make sure you map out your digital marketing strategy on day one. This means writing down the following:

  • The methods you plan on employing now (and in the future)
  • The strategy associated with each method
  • The time you can devote to each method
  • The order in which you will roll out your plan

It’s one thing to have a digital marketing strategy in your mind, but another thing entirely to put pen to paper.

When you map everything out from the start, it’s much easier to stay on track as the days go by.

4. Get help before you need it.

Many entrepreneurs believe they can handle anything and everything that comes their way. You may be right for the time being, but things have a way of changing quickly in the startup world.

Creating a successful digital marketing strategy means getting the help you need before you actually need it. So, if you know you’ll need a content writer or social media strategist down the line, start your search today.

Once your startup is live and it’s time to hit the ground running, don’t neglect your digital marketing plan.

By focusing on these four points, you’ll find yourself in a better position to create a strategy you can trust and rely on for many years to come.

July 18th, 2017|Digital Marketing News|