Affiliate Marketing

We provide all-inclusive affiliate program management and promotional services.  Thousands of new products and services are launched daily. Businesses need networks that help them get attention for their products and drive sales.  But some prospective customers remain out of reach even with the best prepared marketing strategy and linked marketing platforms.  Sharing revenue with another party that already has an audience presents an opportunity for leads that have a much higher rate of converting into sales than your store’s usual traffic. Let affiliates do that for you.

Working with the DigitalCusp affiliate marketing team ensures your business benefits from extra marketing effort and new ideas and experiences that affiliates bring to the way you sell your products. We will place you in the most suitable affiliate marketing networks, track performance of your ads and make adjustments for best conversion rates possible.

Our affiliate marketing program offering:

  • Studying business goals and proposing most suitable affiliate networks
  • Identification and recruitment of leading affiliates
  • Marketing material design from in-house experts
  • Ad testing
  • Detailed performance tracking

The relationship between advertiser, publisher and customer lies at the bottom of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is the term used to describe a form of online advertising which consists of rewarding an affiliate for referring a visitor or rewarding a customer for performing a desired action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. In a way, Affiliate Marketing can be regarded as free publicity for your page—a network of related websites directing customers to purchase from yours.

Affiliate campaigns have the best results when they are combined with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, email marketing support and are well-suited for travel, retail, and service industries due to their timely research process/large-volume sales.

Effective Affiliate Marketing is not throwing a bunch of links at different website owners in the hopes that something will stick. It is a well-planned, specified effort intended to develop long-term relationships with third party websites, research industry-relevant websites with trusted pages and build up a valuable affiliate network for your website that will bring in quality, converted traffic.

In addition, successful Affiliate Marketing also involves certain business traits such as the ability to be flexible with commission values, especially during times when there is a slump in sales, because a higher commission will make affiliates work harder for you.